Please tell me it's Friday
Have you ever been so happy that it's Friday you don't know what to do with yourself. Well that is how I'm feeling right about now. School has only been in session for about 7 weeks, but it seems like it's been 6 months. My student's parents are driving me crazy. The kids, well you know - kids will be kids. We've had 2 assemblies this week and that is exhausting. Last night my department - the Guidance department had a informational session at night. For the parents to say that they need more information - it was poorly attended. But of course the parent who called me incompetent (refer to my previous post - another work week...) was there trying her best to start shit. No happs! I'm so drained. I wish I could take a day off, but I have so many things going on right now it's not a good time.
I have teachers pulling at me to get some kids in support classes. I have parents demanding that their child be tested for special education because he is "falling" fast. I have the principal who at any minute could add me to her "shit list" cause she is moody like that. All of this for what? I wish I knew. I was asked by someone the other day what would demotivate me in regards to work? My answer today is - dealing with everyone else's bullshit. Parents need to parent and stop making excuses for their lazy ass, cheating, manipulative, immature, entitled behaving child. Teachers need to teach regardless of the ability levels of the students - they all learn to teach to all types of learners, not just the smart kids. The principal needs to realize that she can't be everyone's best friend and stop holding a grudge against those that don't always agree with her - keep it professional. The maybe, just maybe my job will be a bit more manageable.
Gosh this week and last I wish I could drink on the job. Please excuse me with my ranting but I need to let off a little steam. If anyone has any suggestions for letting off work related stress please share them.
4 truth
4 answers
4 love
4 music
4 acceptance
4 wisdom
4 friendship
4 understanding
4 forgiveness
4 purpose
4 happiness
4 reason
4 sanity
4 freedom
4 trust
4 loyalty
4 honesty
4 spirituality
4 laughter
4 creativity
4 genuineness
4 words
4 companionship
4 you
4 me
4 all
Skool Daiz
Ever since I wrote about my experience last week at work, it got me thinking about when I worked in the Bronx at a middle school. All I have to say it is COMPLETELY different from where I work now. I'd like to share a poem I wrote while I was working at the school in the "ghetto" back in 2003. School Days
School Days filled with torment and fear
Always some kind of drama going on with student peers
Students out of control running the place
Cussing and cursing up in someone’s face
Graffiti written on stairway walls
School aides chasing people down the hall
Boom- smash –crash lights being broken
It’s seldom that you hear positive words being spoken
I try to do my job it’s a never ending battle
Students get arrested and are driven off like cattle
What can I do – how can I make a difference
When the system is failing and it don’t make any sense
You have non-qualified teachers sent to inspire
When in fact they should be fired
When can we get back to reading, writing and arithmetic?
When you have boys in the stairs saying suck my dick
There are smile in your face back stabbing staff members
Giving lame ass holiday parties in the month of December
When I compare this institution – I think of a zoo
There are days I barely make it through
I have to admit there are a few moments of hope
But they quickly vanish when I smell some students smoking dope
If these here students are our hope for the future
Call an ambulance cause I’m gonna need some sutures
I give credit when credit is due
To those committed educators which there are very few
I feel sorry for those students who want to learn
A better future for themselves is what they yearn
If you ask me are they getting the necessary tools
Please – don’t be a fool
You tell me – out of 213 kids, 97 fail
Parents better start saving – not for college but for bail
It’s a shame when I feel my Masters degree had gone to waste
A new career I must get and I must make haste.
Money money money is always a school board issue
Mess with my pay and somebody is gonna have dead brain tissue
What happen to the school system being the last safe institution?
Have the bureaucrats forgotten the words of the constitution
Our children will never really have the American dream and be free
When you have white shirts endorsing academic slavery
I pray to God each and everyday
That I have the emotional, mental and physical strength to stay
But the light is dimming the flame is flickering
I’m just damn tired of all the faculty bickering
So as I plan my final days as an educator, my big ado
I hope I’ve at least helped a life or two
God willing – when it’s my turn
I’ll have a child who loves to learn
I could go on and on I know I can
But I’m going to bring this poem to its end
But before I go – I would like to say
Pray for our schools everyday.
Truth or Dare
I was reading Organized Noise's blog last night and it was about his most memorable truth or dare (thanks to Trizzy and Xavier). At the end he invite everyone to play the game. I thought it would be fun and it brought back memories of playing it as a teen.
So I picked truth - ON asked me what was my most memorable truth/dare/spin the bottle experience. Well her it goes...
I was sixth grade and I I liked this boy that played on the Pop Warner football team I cheered for. Most girls liked him. He was that cute. Funny thing though he and I re born 4 days apart and our mother's shared the same hospital room for a day or two. Anyway back to the story. We were up at Renee and Ronnie's house (they were twins) Renee was my friend and Ronnie was my crushes friend. There was this other girl form our building up there as well. They knew we liked each other so they dared us to kiss. I'm no punk so I agreed. I had never kissed a boy before and was scared to death. My crush - HoHo as he was called back them was with it. He was far more experienced than I. It was not a problem for him.
So the others leave the living room and HoHo and I sit down on the couch. I must have been sweating and my heart beating fast cause just thinking about it - is making me feel the same way all over again. Anyway HoHo leans in and places his lips on mine. I pucker up and kiss back. I don't know how long the kiss was but it seemed like forever. I think I blacked out. I say this because the next thing I know the other three were standing there laughing. I was so embarrassed. I get up and walk in the back. I'm upset cause nobody told me that HoHo was gonna put his tongue in my mouth. I was grossed out. Whew thank goodness I got over that. I can't remember if HoHo and I ever kissed again after that. But because of a dare I had my first kiss.
so if you would like to play, in my comment area tell me if you would like truth or dare and I will post back a question or a dare for you to do. Don't worry if you pick a dare it will be something that will be easy.