And from the ashes the Phoenix shall rise.....

This blog will contain stories, thoughts, poems, rants and anything else I have on my mind. It is not intended for who take themself or life too seriously. I hope you enjoy my writings. Peace.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Caramel Spice


Have you ever had yourself some caramel spice?

You think you may have but let me tell you something
The real caramel spice is hard to come by

It’s rare
There are many pretenders so if you ever get the authentic Caramel Spice, you better treasure it.
It’ll never do you wrong

Caramel Spice will lift your mood when you are down
Comfort you when no one else is around

But you need to know how to care for your rare Caramel Spice
You must respect its qualities
Consider its delicateness and tenderness when mixing it with other things

But truth be told
It’s been said it is the only spice you’ll ever need

So do you have any Caramel Spice?
If not, you need to get you some


  • At 2:56 PM, Blogger Organized Noise said…

    How are you gonna do a commercial like that and not tell us where to get it? What gives?

  • At 10:15 AM, Blogger Phoenix said…

    Umm you can get it at this store named Phoenix, located in NY. :)

  • At 8:49 AM, Blogger Knockout Zed said…

    Are you offer an African some Caramel Spice? 'Cuz I'm all out!


  • At 8:55 AM, Blogger Phoenix said…

    @ ZED - well umm er rrah..... What is being offered in return? And by the way I will try (very hard) to blog more often.

  • At 9:41 AM, Blogger Phoenix said…

    RMAck you can get you some next time I'm in Chi-town or you venture over to NYC. :)

  • At 2:01 PM, Blogger Organized Noise said…

    @ KZ . . . I was first in line. Calm down.

  • At 7:43 PM, Blogger A.u.n.t. Jackie said…

    i could use some carmel sauce or spice or cinnamon stick over this way...


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