And from the ashes the Phoenix shall rise.....

This blog will contain stories, thoughts, poems, rants and anything else I have on my mind. It is not intended for who take themself or life too seriously. I hope you enjoy my writings. Peace.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Well They Are Still Broken

Did you watch Spike Lee's documentary on HBO on Monday and Tuesday? I did and it made me angry all over again. Not to say that I had gotten over being angry the first time. Just seeing the images were depressing. Then to hear what all the people were saying just made me hate our government even more. Bush - well he can go hide in a bush, and the rest of his crew (Condalezza included) can go to hell. How can they run from this and think it's okay. I know next election time I will ever so carefully choose who I am voting for because the Democrats ain't much better than the Republicans. At the end of the day they both shit on black folk. They use us then push us by the wayside. If Black people in this country don't stand up for ourselves and our people after this Katrina thing then we'll never get where we want to be. We may as well go back to pre-civil rights days.

I don't mean to talk politics but that Katrina mess wasn't about politics - it was about human life. I'm pissed off about it. How about you?? I'd like to know your feelings on it all.

thanks for checking in.



  • At 10:38 PM, Blogger Knockout Zed said…

    One year later and absolutely nothing's better. To watch them overtly suppress property values to encourage gentrification is criminal. Just like they said, somebody needs to go to jail.


  • At 10:53 PM, Blogger Phoenix said…

    Or get a good ass wuppin

  • At 6:47 AM, Blogger Organized Noise said…

    I think Ray Nagin said it best. "It's been 5 years and they can't put a whole in the ground in New York City so how long do you think its gonna take to rebuild New Orleans?" He's got a point. I walk past ground zero every day and nothing has changed. I'm sick of looking at it now, and the government actually "cares" about New York City. New Orleans might just have to be the next presidents problem because this one don't give a damn.

  • At 10:08 AM, Blogger Phoenix said…

    @ ONoise - I know I just read an article about the comparison of NYC and NO. We are fucked as Americans. If you think terrorist are too scared to attack just wait. After they see how our own gov't don't give a damn about us, then why should they.

    This Katrina thing brings us back very closely to the behaviors of slavery.

  • At 1:00 PM, Blogger G. Mo said…

    I'm so glad the Spike did that documentary. I sat and watched the entire thing in it's entirety. Hell, I even sent download links to those who didn't have an opportunity to see it, so they could view it on their computer.

    Throughout most of it, I became very angry. There were also those moments when I had watery eyes listening to people talking about losing loved ones. This was truly a sad event and the US govt hasn't done a damn thing to help the folks victimized by the hurricane.

    Furthermore the way that the US govt has handled the situation and the insurance companies BS is almost like raping those people all over again. I wouldn't call myself a patriotic person, however I don't think I'll look at the American flag the same way again.

  • At 1:23 PM, Blogger Phoenix said…

    @ G-Mo: you got that right. At work the pledge of allegiance is said everyday - I don't think I'll be saying it unless some of my students are standing there watching me.

  • At 2:18 PM, Blogger onefromphilly said…

    As an engineer I’m pissed off to highest pisstivity. Those gotdamn levies couldn’t hold back a category 1 hurricane, and those MF’s knew it. The State, the City and the most at fault The Army Corp of Engineers. If Katrina had hit full force it would have been the equivalent of the tsunami. The waters from the lake would have flattened those levies and wiped out everybody who stood in the way. Everybody who decided to ride-it-out would have drowned right in their own homes. It was the responsibility of the Corp to sound the alarm and for the local and state government to tell people to run for their lives. Thank God Katrina technically missed New Orleans. And the way things were handled after the levies broke is an absolute abomination to human kind. I hung my head in shame as I watched that special. In this country where we have an Interstate highway system from coast to coast, from Canada to Mexico, it took 5 days to get help to our people, American people. The tsunami victims got help in 2 days, on the other side of the friggin WORLD!!!! FEMA should be brought up on charges of crimes against humanity. Some members of federal gov’t should be publicly caned and hung. And for the fool of a president to get on TV and even open his mouth, just showed the world how foolish Americans are for electing such and incompetent azz. What our people had to go through before we got them any help breaks my heart and made me feel so ashamed to be an American.

  • At 3:53 PM, Blogger Phoenix said…

    @ one fromPhilly - you took all the words right out of my mouth. We should be ashamed as Americans that we couldn't even come to the sid of our own people and that we value the lives of people abroad more than our own. Please, the next time an elections comes, vote carefully.


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